Welcome To My Site!
Hi , My name is Danielle Michele land developer and real estate investment coach.
The simple fact that you clicked on this website lets me know that you are a woman who is ready to change her life. You are ready to get serious about your finances and make an investment move that can change the trajectory of your life and the lives of your children’s children forever!
Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.
As a savvy real estate investor and realtor I’ve have risien from the ashes like a phoenix from bankruptcy, pre-foreclosure, being flat broke and the challenge of being a single mother to flipping homes and teaching what I’ve learned to others.
After a 16 yr stint of working in corporate America’s top Fortune 500 companies as a software engineer in IT I knew that there was more to life than anticipating the weekend or waiting on my paycheck to hit my account. There is a freedom awaiting you , the freedom of time …. to take a vacation when you please without having to ask your manager in fear that they may say no or that you don’t have enough pto. The freedom in your finances to make full lump sum payments instead of paying monthly bills and finally the freedom to pay yourself. Because you work hard and you deserve it. Now are you ready to work a little less harder and a bit smarter for yourself to possibly double your salary in one flip? If you answered yes then you are in the right place.
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